Spending For Fun And Happiness (And Air Conditioning)
Download MP3Mindy (and Carl) talk about what they spend money on including:
- health
- books
- local artists
- parties!
But money should NOT be wasted. Where do you draw the line?!?? If you can do something yourself, should you do it even if you don't like it? Looking at you car brakes.
How do we overcome the aversion to spending money? Is Mark Trautman's fun bucket the mind hack you need to get over the hump?
And finally, First Class Farts.
How do we overcome the aversion to spending money? Is Mark Trautman's fun bucket the mind hack you need to get over the hump?
And finally, First Class Farts.
- Mindy On Money: https://mindyonmoney.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mindyonmoney
- Mark's fun bucket: https://marksmoneymind.com/the-fun-bucket-overcoming-the-frugality-mindset/
- Heligoats Tiny Desk concert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtnY_HxqCJQ
- The new Tesla: https://www.1500days.com/the-355-tesla-model-y-the-good-the-bad-and-the-fsd/
- Catching Up To FI: https://catchinguptofi.com/
- EconoMe: https://economeconference.com/
- Adriatico's Pizza: https://adriaticosuc.com/
Thanks for listening!