All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 in total
What If Your Partner Doesn't Like FIRE?
Mindy (and Carl) talk about how to get your partner on board with Financial Independence.Carl brings up Mindy's mysterious old boyfriend, Mr. PieHow Carl and Mindy dis...

How To Talk About Money
People don't want to talk about money. We'd all be better off if we did. Mindy (and Carl) talk about how to talk about money. In the course of the conversation, Carl l...

Why Spending In Retirement Will Be Less
Mindy and Carl talk about what expenses will look like post-retirement:First, they answer a retirement tax question from a listener.Then, they list the reasons why the...

Mindy Still Works. Carl Asks Why.
In this episode of Mindy (and Carl) on Money:Carl asks Mindy why she's still working, even though she doesn't have toWhat Mindy gets out of her fancy jobCarl threatens...

Stepping Off The Cliff: Mindy Interviews Carl
Mindy interviews Carl about his early retirement journey. Before the interview starts, they have a silly chat about the Cybertruck.Links:Sheeks Freaks: https://www.she...

The Sky Is Falling!!! Not Really.
Mindy (and Carl) talk about the recent market fluctuations.THE SKY IS FALLING says the financial media. Should most of us care? No.Did Mindydamus predict the 2020 cras...

Road Tripping, FI Friending, And Carbequing
Mindy (and Carl) talk about recent road trips, how the FI community has influenced their travels, and best tips for road trips.LinksMMM HQ: https://www.mrmoneymustache...

Our Origin Story (Plus Our Favorite Resources)
Mindy (and Carl) discuss how they discovered the financial independence movement:Carl was only a Google search away from living his best lifeMindy goes to the wrong se...

Sean Mullaney: Deep Investing Questions
In today’s episodes, Sean Mullaney, the FI Tax Guy answers questions from Mindy (and Carl).Please note: The discussion is intended to be for general educational purpos...

Spending For Fun And Happiness (And Air Conditioning)
Mindy (and Carl) talk about what they spend money on including:healthbookslocal artistsparties!But money should NOT be wasted. Where do you draw the line?!?? If you ca...

The Art Of Subtraction
Everyone wonders what they can add to their life to increase happiness. Not many consider the powerful act of subtracting stuff you don't like. What could you eliminat...

How To Evolve With Your Money
Carl and I didn't do a good job of evolving with money. Even after we had more than enough, we continued to behave like broke college students in many ways. Not good.C...

Eric Cooper, Early Retirement At 50
Eric Cooper retired at 50, just a couple years after learning about FIRE. I'm tired and too lazy to write detailed notes for this one, but Eric is a good dude and this...

Kristen Knapp: Tornados, Breaking Bad Habits, And Financial Independence
Mindy (and Carl) interview KMOV meteorologist and good friend, Kristen Knapp.Show notes:Kristen forgives Carl for his weather jokesBeing a meteorologist isn’t as glamo...

May Mindy Mailbag!
In this episode, Mindy (and Carl) answer questions from the audience:What does it mean to live life to the fullest?Do you think that FI adherents have a better sense o...

Case Study: I Have $100,000 At Age 50. What Now?
Jennifer is 50 and has $100,000. Can she retire with $1,000,000? Is this even a realistic (or good) idea?Links:Amberly's new podcast:

What We Learned From The FIRE Community
We've learned so much from the FIRE community. And it goes way beyond the 4% Rule...Links:Tesla referral code: Collins: http...

Do You Regret Retiring Early?
Someone recently asked Carl if he regretted retiring early. Mindy (and Carl) ponder the question on this week's episode.Links:Money Will Solve Money Problems: https://...

Does FIRE Need A Rebrand?
Mindy had an interesting conversation with a group of entrepreneur friends. None of them seemed to like the idea of FIRE. Or did they? What would you do if you had aut...

The Boring Middle
The Boring Middle is the time between when you discover FIRE and when you retire. Dreaming about your Future FIRE Life is fun, but you've got to enjoy the time in betw...

Mad Fientist: Life, Money, And The Pursuit Of Happiness
Mindy (and Carl) talk to the FIRE legend, The Mad Fientist! They talk about their lengthy history, what they learned from Ramit, and the endless pursuit of happiness.L...

Case Study: I'm About To Retire! Help!!
Mindy (and Carl) tackle their first case study. Alex is about to retire from a high-powered career. What's next?Mindy On Money ScholarshipStanford walking studyFinding...

FI Haters Gonna Hate!
Some people don't like FI events! Mindy (and Carl) talk about FI hate email.Mindy On Money ScholarshipAmberly's FI CruiseEconoMeChoose FI Local GroupsLongmont Meetup g...

The Money Date
Mindy (and Carl) talk about why it's important to have a money date before having their own. Along the way, Mindy invents a new word!LinksMoney Date on BiggerPockets ...

Cody Berman: Financial Independence Before 30
Cody Berman isn't even 30 and is already financially independent. He hustled and lived hard including delivering food on a bike and sleeping in a car. Along the way, h...

J Money: Life After FI (With A Working Partner)
J. Money from Budgets Are Sexy talks about financial independence, unexpected sickness, and navigating early retirement with a working partner.LinksJ's ResumeBudgets A...

Sixteen Unconventional Money Questions To Ask Your Partner
Mindy (and Carl) share 16 unconventional money questions to discuss with your partner. Carl also discusses farts. LinksDownload our list of questions to ask your partn...

Financial Independence Sucks!
Mindy and Carl love Financial Independence. But some don't...On this podcast, Mindy and Carl discuss why some hate Financial Independence and why they're wrong.LinksMi...

The Top 14 Reasons To FI!
Show notesMindy and Carl discuss the top reasons to pursue financial independence. Carl, Older Daughter, and Mindy lay out why you should pursue FI.LinksMindy On Money...

Bonus Episode: The Most Important Decision, Listener Takes!
In this episode, we hear from our audience about yesterday's episode, the most important decision. Featured:RakeshLauren: creator of cFIREsimTom: The Frugal Gay blog a...