Why Spending In Retirement Will Be Less
Download MP3Mindy and Carl talk about what expenses will look like post-retirement:
- First, they answer a retirement tax question from a listener.
- Then, they list the reasons why they think expenses will be less in retirement.
- And The Bull gets a name?!??
- ProjectionLab: https://projectionlab.com/
- Eric Cooper: https://mindyonmoney.com/s1/30
- HelloNectarine: https://hellonectarine.com/
- Mindy On Money: https://mindyonmoney.com/
- Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mindyonmoney
- Mindy: mindy@mindyonmoney.com
- Carl: carl@mindyonmoney.com
- The Bull: bull@mindyonmoney.com
Thanks for listening!